Does anyone know of a Java implementation of the PPMD compression algorithm?
I have not been able to find a Java implementation, but there is a C# implementation at that is about 4k lines of code. I'm not going to ask if anyone feels like porting it to Java...
I was using for the same implementation, and couldn't find any. But I found that 7zip gives the source code of their ppmd implementation just in C++, not in java (at least, until now).
I used system call's to 7zip do compress the data I need, using the command-line version of 7zip.
Please see and libraries to be found in here
If you are looking for very fast compression, you may also try the java implementation of Google Snappy found here:
Snappy is used widely within Google.
There seems to be a commercial closed source PPMd implementation here. I have not tried it, nor do I know anything else about it or the company producing it, so I do not know if it is compatible with the 7-zip version of the algorithm. It does not seem to be a pure Java implementation though - it's probably using native calls in the background.