I'm developing an app that gets the MAC address of the device, but since Android 6.0 my code doesn't work, giving me an incorrect value.
Here's my code...
public String ObtenMAC()
WifiManager manager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
WifiInfo info = manager.getConnectionInfo();
Instead of the real MAC address, it returns an strange code: "02:00:00:00:00:00".
Can anybody help me to solve it?.
Thanks in advance.
The answers are mostly correct, but keep care, that there is a change in android 7. You will need to use the
DevicePolicyManager and the Method getWifiMacAddress. The official docs has a typo, which means that you shouldnt copy/paste it from there.
Refs: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/nougat/android-7.0-changes.html
Get Device mac adress in Android Nougat and O programmatically
I didn't get the above answer to work, but stumbled upon another answer.
Here is a complete and simple method on getting the IPv6 address and then getting the mac address from it.
How to get Wi-Fi Mac address in Android Marshmallow
Tested it already and it works. Many thanks to Rob Anderson!
Please refer to Android 6.0 Changes.