I'm developing an app that gets the MAC address of the device, but since Android 6.0 my code doesn't work, giving me an incorrect value.
Here's my code...
public String ObtenMAC()
WifiManager manager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
WifiInfo info = manager.getConnectionInfo();
Instead of the real MAC address, it returns an strange code: "02:00:00:00:00:00".
Can anybody help me to solve it?.
Thanks in advance.
First you need to add Internet user permission.
Then you can find the mac over the NetworkInterfaces API.
I try to get mac address with 2 methods, first by Interface and if its failed, i get it by file system, but you need to enable wifi to access the file.
Add this line to your manifest.
I recommend you to persist your mac address in your preferences like here
this is the complete 2 ways code of getting it successfully on Marshmallow , just copy past this and it will work !
manifest :
Summary : this code will try to get the MAC address first by Interface and if its failed it get it by file system.
Note:for file System way, you need to enable WIFI to access the file.
thnx to Sam's answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/39288868/3818437
Use below code to get Mac address in Android 6.0
You can get the MAC address from the IPv6 local address. E.g., the IPv6 address "fe80::1034:56ff:fe78:9abc" corresponds to the MAC address "12-34-56-78-9a-bc". See the code below. Getting the WiFi IPv6 address only requires android.permission.INTERNET.
See the Wikipedia page IPv6 address, particularly the note about "local addresses" fe80::/64 and the section about "Modified EUI-64".
Its Perfectly Fine