Is there any way to cut a video (mp4 or 3gp) on android, like use only the last 5 seconds of the movie... on iphone this is possible using the AVAssetExportSession but on android I haven't found anything similar, just maybe some references to ffmpeg library which seems complicated. Is there any easier way to do it?
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try this
its work on Gallery2 package installed devices
We can cut video using ffmpeg in Android.
For integrating FFmpeg in android we can use precompiled libraries like ffmpeg-android.
To cut a video we can use below command-
seeks to position
Overwrite output files without asking.
ffmpeg reads from an arbitrary number of input “files” specified by the -i option
limit the duration of data read from the input file
video output size
Set frame rate
Set the video codec.
Set the video bitrate
Set the audio bitrate
Set the number of audio channels.
sets the sampling rate for audio streams if encoded
start time of video in milliseconds from where you want to cut
end time of video in milliseconds up to which you want to cut
I have created a sample android project on editing videos using FFMpeg which includes cutting video.Check it out-
and its tutorial at-
You can try INDE Media for Mobile -
It has transcoding\remuxing functionality as MediaComposer class and a possibility to select segments for resulted files. Since it uses MediaCodec API inside it is very battery friendly and works as fast as possible
You can do this with my mp4parser library. Have a look at the ShortenExample it does exactly what the name suggests. Since the library cannot re-encode the video it can only cut the video at I-frames. So the points in time where you can make a cut are quite coarse.
On Android 4.1 you can access the hardware codecs via MediaCodec API which could be an option (but I haven't seen any example of that yet)