I am writing a simple offline web app to configure a device (think similar to a wireless router setup page).
The computer that is connected to my device won't have an internet connection, it will be loading the page from a server running on my device.
I've built the page using a Bootswatch override of Bootstrap.css because that is a library I'm familiar with. However, my page load hangs because the browser tries to retrieve Google Fonts but obviously can't.
Is there a version of Bootstrap.css which does not use Google Fonts, or is there a way that I can override them?
Can't you simply remove the first line from the custom bootswatch theme you downloaded (assuming you downloaded the css file, like this one http://bootswatch.com/flatly/bootstrap.css)?
This should make it fall back to a font that it can use.
Why don't you just download the font you wish to use i.e. OpenSans, place it in a sub folder named "fonts" or something like that then use something like this...
If you don't want to edit your bootstrap css for any reason(for me it was injected from jar file by wro4j) then you can override the 'font-family' in your own css with your desired one and then include that css file in your web application with higher priority.
PA: if you are using wro4j, then your new css must be upper than the bootstrap webjar. This is a sample wro.xml: