I have done every step that this link has instructed (https://developers.google.com/drive/ios/quickstart?ver=swift). However, I am getting an error for the line that says import GoogleAPIClient. The error states "no such module 'GoogleAPIClient'". I have read other threads that have mentioned Ruby and Cocoa Pods and both are up to date in my project.
I'm looking for any suggestion at this point I'm just baffled.
I found out what was wrong. I found this answer: can't find Pods.modulemap - looking in wrong directory
The solution worked for me perfectly. It isn't addressing the same issue but the solution also solves this issue
Basically, do this:
cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
rm -rf Build/*
rm -rf ModuleCache/*
Should work now!
Try the following workarounds:
build setting needs to point to the location of the framework.Check these related threads:
Hope this helps!
Before importing anything, make sure you build the project after the pod has completed the installation.
Also make sure you're using the .xcworkspace file too and not the stand .xcodeproj