Following Replicate T-SQL DecryptByPassPhrase in C#, I am unable to get a simple encryption with MSSQL to descrypt in C#. The encrypted values in certain columns is necessary because the table is exported into Excel and Access on a regular basis so simple encryption is more than enough to "block" values without having to involve developers to (re)do views, etc.
In SQL Server 2012:
select EncryptByPassPhrase( N'hello' , N'world' )
-- returns 0x01000000AA959FFB3A8E4B06B734051437E198C8B72000A058ACE91D617123DA102287EB
In C#:
byte[] buf = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "0x010000003A95FA870ED699A5F90D33C2BF01491D9132F61BA162998E96F37117AF5DA0905D51EB6FB298EC88" );
// bytes emitted from the database
var cp = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
var m = new MemoryStream(buf);
cp.Key = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "hello" ); // throws
cp.IV = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( "hello" ); // throws
CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream( m , cp.CreateDecryptor( cp.Key , cp.IV ) , CryptoStreamMode.Read );
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader( cs );
string plainText = reader.ReadToEnd();
What should working C# code look like?
SQL Server 2017 uses SHA256 hashing of password + AES-256 encryption
Older versions use SHA1 hashing of password + 3DES-128 encryption
IV size is the same as block size: AES = 128 bits, 3DES = 64 bits
Padding mode: PKCS #7 Cipher mode: CBC
Data encrypted by server 2017 starts with "0x02", older versions start with "0x01".
I believe the link you are following is suggesting a new way to encrypt and decrypt mimicking that of how the SQL EncryptByPassPhrase is made. So, you could only use the decrypt in C#, if you encrypted in C# as well.
Since, you already used EncryptByPassPhrase in SQL then I would suggest just using DecryptByPassPhrase in SQL before passing to C# code.
Example of your hello world encrypt and decrypt: