This code gets 10 posts of all types that are linked to the term_name;
global $wp_query;
query_posts( array(
"taxonomy_name" => "term_name",
'showposts' => 10 )
This code gets 10 posts of custom post type "message";
global $wp_query;
query_posts( array(
'post_type' => 'message'
'showposts' => 10 )
This code however always ignores the post_type requirement but still selects all post types linked to the term_name;
global $wp_query;
query_posts( array(
'post_type' => 'message' ,
"taxonomy_name" => "term_name",
'showposts' => 10 )
I can't see how both can work individually but together they don't unless it might be a bug - any thoughts?
Been submitted - Fix is just changing one line of the query.php file to and if statement to check whether post_type is empty.
Looks like a bug. Have you tried a custom select query? This should do it:
I used this answer in constructing the query.
Use 'category_name' instead 'taxonomy_name'. Works on WP 3.5.2