I'd like to store the version number of my library in just one place. So I have defined such a variable in the CMake-file:
With this definition I can generate a version.rc file according to Microsoft's definition, which I compile into the library and afterwards shows up correctly in the properties window of my dll-file.
Now I'd like to use this CMake variable in my c++ source code too, but I actually don't get to a working solution. I've tried different things like this:
or this:
unsigned int getLibInterfaceVersion()
But the compiler won't accept anything. Since my researches in the CMake-Documentation didn't get any results, I hope that someone could give me the essential advice.
Thanks in advance.
The easiest way to do this, is to pass the LIBINTERFACE_VERSION as a definition with add_definition:
However, you can also create a "header-file template" and use configure_file. This way, CMake will replace your @LIBINTERFACE_VERSION@. This is also a little more extensible because you can easily add extra defines or variables here...
E.g. create a file "version_config.h.in", looking like this:
Then add a configure_file line to your cmakelists.txt:
And of course, make sure the correct version_config.h is included in your source-files.