I am trying to deserialize a Unix timestamp
to a DateTime
. In my case, I need to do much more checks before I can set a property to DateTime from a timestamp. If I use DateTime
from Newtonsoft.Json
it deserializes it to UTC
time and I need to deserialize it to a specific timezone
The problem is that I am not able to get the correct time. It seems like my string to long
parsing is failing. If I can get the long
unix timestamp, I can get the rest of the logic working
I have a class named Alert
class Alert
// Some properties
public DateTime Created { get; set; }
// Some more properties
the class UnixTimestampJsonConverter
class UnixTimestampJsonConverter : JsonConverter
// Other override methods
public override object ReadJson (JsonReader reader, Type objectType,
object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndObject)
return null;
if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject) {
long instance = serializer.Deserialize<long> (reader);
return TimeUtils.GetCustomDateTime (instance);
return null;
Where TimeUtils.GetCustomDateTime (instance)
takes the long unixtimestamp and converts it into DateTime object of specific timezone.
I am in a PCL library with Profile 78
, so I have limited access to System.TimeZoneInfo
and I am using PCL version of NodaTime
for other timezone calculations.
In case anyone is interested, this is the project on Github - MBTA Sharp
I'm pretty sure all you need to do is call
. Doing this will advance the reader correctly and you shouldn't need to do anything else:Example: https://dotnetfiddle.net/Fa8Zis