Writing a fully translated app can become tedious. Is there a way to set a default translation scope for the current context ?
Example : I am writing inside a partial _deadlines.html.erb in the show.html.erb action of my ProjectsController
Now because I am trying to be a good programmer, I am scoping all my translations. I would like to produce the following tree
now: "Hurry the deadline is today !"
How can I make it less tedious than writing each time the full scope ?
<%= render 'projects/deadlines', project: @project %>
projects/_deadlines.html.erb called from show.html.erb
<p>Deadline : <%= t(:now, scope: [:projects, :deadlines]) %></p>
Is there a way to set a default scope for the current context (here the whole _deadlines.html.erb file) ?
Some people suggested to use Rails Lazy lookup, but this does not produce the scoping I'm looking for. In my case, I want to skip the action
default scope (show, index, etc...) and add a scope for the current partial I am rendering (in my case _deadlines.html.erb)
Rails lazy lookup :
<=> t(:now, scope: [:projects, :show]
But I wanted :
<=> t(:now, scope: [:projects, :deadlines]
Rails implements a convenient way to look up the locale inside views. When you have the following dictionary:
you can look up these values as below:
Okay I was actuall still not happy with this. This default 'lazy lookup' scope is totally krap when you want to translate the same thing at different places. Say I have two different partials that contain information dealing with the same model. Using lazy lookup, I would need to have the same translation twice in my yml file.
Here's a little piece of code that you can put in your application helper. It's basically an override of the default I18n.t that will set the scope to
when it is defined, and you don't need to worry about the scope anymoreMy code addition
What you can do with it
Now the only problem that I see, is that when rendering multiple partials from a view, the @t_scope will be transferred and could potentiall cause problems. However wouldn't be a problem is @t_scope is set to nil at the beginning of each file