This line doesn't seem to work for me.
Sort By: <a href="" ng-click="setOrder('title')" ng-class="{active: orderProp == 'title'}">Alphabetical</a>
Do I have to escape 'title' in orderProp == 'title' somehow?
in the controller I have
$scope.orderProp = 'title';
$scope.setOrder = function(sortBy){
$scope.orderProp = sortBy;
Thank you
Update: Using v1.3.0-beta.17
Adding ng-class="{active:orderProp=='pagetitle'}
<a href="" ng-click="setOrder('pagetitle')" ng-class="{active:orderProp=='pagetitle'}">Alphabetical</a>
throws an error
"Error: [$parse:syntax]$parse/syntax?p0=undefined&p1=not%20a%20primary%20expression&p2=null&p3=%7Bactive%3AorderProp%3D%3D&p4=%7Bactive%3AorderProp%3D%3D
Sorry for the way I present the error but I just started angular last week and don't know a better way
Update 2: error seems to be coming from = == ===. I tried > and no error occured. Is there an alternative syntax to like eq?
Update 3 with solve
I mapped each string to an int pagetile->1 code->2 + data-ng-class="{active:orderPropIdx==1};" Inside the controller I just do if pagetitle set active:orderPropIdx to 1 and so on
Maybe this is a bug in angular 1.3
The syntax for ng-class can be quite confusing sometimes. Try this.
Include square brackets after the curly braces. Inside the square brackets, you can declare any expression, and declare your results (true/false) and the corresponding classes you want to apply (active). And be sure to use '===' in your expressions, signifying you want orderProp to be exactly equal to what you are comparing it against.
As is stated in the comments, your class name should be surrounded by single quotes.
ng-class="{'active': orderProp == 'title'}">
This comparison is case sensitive.
I mapped each string to an int pagetile->1 code->2 + data-ng-class="{active:orderPropIdx==1};" Inside the controller I just do if pagetitle set active:orderPropIdx to 1 and so on
Maybe this is a bug in angular 1.3
Had the same issue when using ng-class. It refused to dynamically compute the class attribute even though the expression was successfully calculated.
And here is the workaround I've used for the ng-class statement:
instead of
ng-class="{active: orderProp == 'title'}
I've switched toclass="{{orderProp == 'title' ? 'active' : ''}}"
I resolve in this way; 'ClassName':'{{Value}}'=='StringtoCompare', ...