I am trying to get the active window's name as shown in the task manager app list (using c#). I had the same issue as described here. I tried to do as they described but I have issue while the focused application is the picture library I get exception. I also tried this, but nothing gives me the results I expect. For now I use:
IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero;
handle = GetForegroundWindow();
const int nChars = 256;
StringBuilder Buff = new StringBuilder(nChars);
if (GetWindowText(handle, Buff, nChars) > 0)
windowText = Buff.ToString();
and delete what is not relevant based on a table I created for most common apps, but I don't like this workaround. Is there a way to get the app name as it is in the task manager for all running app?
After reading a lot, I separated my code into two cases, for metro application and all other applications. My solution handle the exception I got for metro applications and exceptions I got regarding the platform. This is the code that finally worked:
It sounds like you need to go through each top level window (direct children of the desktop window, use EnumWindows via pinvoke http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms633497(v=vs.85).aspx) and then call your GetWindowText pinvoke function.
EnumWindows will 'Enumerates all top-level windows on the screen by passing the handle to each window, in turn, to an application-defined callback function.'