I have an android application that only has one jar import which is 4 mb in size (Symja https://code.google.com/p/symja/) Literally the only code in the project is creating a new textview and setting it as the content view. But I am getting the error(s):
Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Java heap space
Unable to execute dex: Java heap space
I have another android project which is alot bigger, almost 20,000 lines of code and it runs in seconds. My eclipse.ini has the following settings:
I do not know why I cannot run this project. So any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Try the following:
On doing this Eclipse will take only the classes which are needed in the code, from the jar instead of storing all the classes from the jar.
Modify the -XmsAm and -XmxBm paremeters in eclipse.ini so that they are large enough. The default is -Xms40m -Xmx384m. Try changing them both to -Xms512m -Xmx512m and restart eclipse to see if that helps. If not, continue to increase the values and restart eclipse until either one of two things happens:
Your build completes. Eclipse won't restart because you don't have enough memory. eclipse.ini is located at /etc/eclipse.ini in Ubuntu (assuming you installed Eclipse from the Ubuntu repositories).
I read, that symja library needs Java version 1.6. But your Eclipse uses Java 1.5. Maybe, it's a problem.