I'm trying to avoid using callbacks when making mongodb queries. I'm using mongoskin to make calls like so:
req.db.collection('users').find().toArray(function (err, doc) {
In many cases I need to make multiple queries so I want to use Node.js promise library but I'm not sure how to wrap these functions as promises. Most of the examples I see are trivial for things like readFile
, I'm guessing in this case I would need to wrap toArray somehow? Can this be done or would have to be something implemented by mongoskin?
An example could be any set of callbacks, find/insert, find/find/insert, find/update:
req.db.collection('users').find().toArray(function (err, doc) {
if (doc) {
req.db.collection('users').find().toArray(function (err, doc) {
// etc...
else {
// err
Esailija's answer may work, but its not super efficient since you have to run db.collection on every single db call. I don't know exactly how expensive that is, but looking at the code in mongoskin, its non-trivial. Not only that, but it's globally modifying prototypes, which isn't very safe.
The way I do this with fibers futures is:
like this:
If you don't want to use fibers, I'd recommend using the async-future module, which has a good wrap function built in too.
Just stumbled here with the same question and didn't love "promisfying" mongoskin so did a bit more digging and found monk. It's built on top of mongoskin, tidies up the API and returns promises for all async calls. Probably worth a peek to anyone else who lands here.
You can promisify the entire module like so with bluebird:
This only needs to be done in one place for one time in your application, not anywhere in your application code.
After that you just use methods normally except with the Async suffix and don't pass callbacks:
So again, if you call a function like
The promise-returning version is called like:
(Uncaught errors are automatically logged so you don't need to check for them if you are only going to log it)