I'm creating a game application from scratch with xcode for iOS, and I've use the OpenGL Game projet template to create mine.
I've searched a lot in the past few days, but I can't find any tutorials or example as to how I would load 3D model (via .obj files) in my application. I've found some documentation on loading them onto an app with a console script, but I need to do it programmatically.
Any help would be very appreciated
Also, my 3D models are created using blender
I recommend to use an Engine (like isgl3d, nineveh, Cocos3D, ...) for creating a 3D game, it will be hard if you use Opengl for a start.
Note: you can search for a list of game engine to choose the suitable one for you game, cause there is a lot of game engine, open-source or paid engine.
The future will be here momentarily — SceneKit, available in OS X since v10.8, will be in iOS 8. It can build and render a scene with COLLADA (.DAE) models directly. No need for third-party tools or code, nothing complicated to learn.
Apple's documentation is pretty good but if you prefer then other tutorials are available.
Obj files are simple to parse and are well described on wikipedia. You should be able to load them in one or 2 hours. But if you want to load the materials you need to invest some more time in your engine and into loading the obj file.
OpensceneGraph has support for iOS and a lot of prebuilt code which can help you develop the game. It supports loading OBJ models.
You can download the zip file from here and then run ./obj2opengl.pl 3DModel.obj in terminal .It will give you 3DModel.h file as output.
You need to use glDrawArrays instead of glDrawElements as the .h file contains array.