I would like to know what is the most elegant and simple way to implement this. I need to add a filter expression for a ng-repeat that would filter 2 conditions from one property.
In this example http://plnkr.co/edit/OMQxXvSjtuudMRGE4eZ8?p=preview
- If you enter A, it would display checkbox for A,
- enter B - display checkbox for B.
But I want to display the specified checkboxes plus anything with empty condition. There is no condition for C, so:
- if you enter A, I want to display both A and C checkboxes,
- enter B, I want to display both B and C checkboxes.
I think you can do this pretty easily with just a filter expression function on your scope like this;
and call it like this;
plunkr (corrected)
I would create custom filter like:
and usage:
See Demo in Plunker
It looks pretty elegant and clear.
Hope it will help
Use two ng-repeats, one after another:
1st : Filter on anything that has checkbox checked AND has a condition
2nd : Filter on things that don't have conditions
you can use : data-ng-repeat="charge in charges | filter:searchText" data-ng-if="filter = searchText.Name"