I read and implemented Trying to using Nhibernate with Mono & SQLite - can't find System.Data.SQLite However, as the last comment there states this seems not to work with NHibernate 3.1
The error is
HibernateException: The IDbCommand and IDbConnection implementation in the assembly Mono.Data.Sqlite could not be found. Ensure that the assembly Mono.Data.Sqlite is [...reachable...]
I have Mono.Data.Sqlite in the GAC.
I have tried both specifying "Mono.Data.Sqlite" as well as typeof(Mono.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection).Assembly.FullName
as the name of the assembly
Has anyone any Ideas how to get this working?
There is a problem in the answer of Trying to using Nhibernate with Mono & SQLite - can't find System.Data.SQLite . For the given constructor (3 parameters) to work the assembly in question (Mono.Data.Sqlite) needs to be loaded first.
This works if the 4-parameter base contructor is used like this:
(Still, credit goes to http://intellect.dk/post/Why-I-love-frameworks-with-lots-of-extension-points.aspx for the original idea - thanks.)
And if you use FluentNHibernate, then you'll also need:
I have not encountered any problems so far...