I've been researching a bit about reflections in C # and would like to know if I use a dictionary with keys-values can create an object with the variable with the name of each key in the dictionary and their values, the key value of that dictionary.
I have a method that does the opposite, that extracts an object from a dictionary, this dictionary contains the keys and the class properties and their values, the value of the properties.
I wonder how to do this if possible.
Below is my method, which extracts a dictionary of an object:
protected Dictionary<String, String> getObjectProperty(object objeto)
Dictionary<String, String> dictionary = new Dictionary<String, String>();
Type type = objeto.GetType();
FieldInfo[] field = type.GetFields();
PropertyInfo[] myPropertyInfo = type.GetProperties();
String value = null;
foreach (var propertyInfo in myPropertyInfo)
if (propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0)
value = (string)propertyInfo.GetValue(objeto, null);
value = value == null ? null : value;
dictionary.Add(propertyInfo.Name.ToString(), value);
return dictionary;
I am not sure if this is what you're looking for, but judging by your question, I think you want to instantiate types at run time from the types located in a dictionary, which will be obtained by providing a key.
If that is so, then you can create the following class which will hold key-value pairs of strings which will be your keys, and Types which will represent your values which will be instantiated.
You can also create four test classes to test this setup.
Once this is done, you can run the following lines of code to get all the types from the dictionary, instantiate them and cast them to appropriate types. As you might notice, the last Computer example is showing you how to add multiple parameters (in this case two) to the newly created instance and return it as an instance of type object.
In the end you can cast it to the Computer type so you can check that the constructor parameters actually went to the corresponding properties.
If you've already got a dictionary, I'd avoid reflection and just use
For example:
Which can be used as follows:
is a dictionary, you can use this extension function:Usage: