Terminal ANSI colors does not work with Inline::Pe

2019-05-02 07:23发布

The following Perl 5 script:

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Printer;
my @a = (1,2,3,4);
p @a;

gives output:

enter image description here

(note the blue color), whereas this Perl 6 scripts:

use Data::Printer:from<Perl5>;
my @a = 1,2,3,4;
p @a;

gives output:

    [0] 1,
    [1] 2,
    [2] 3,
    [3] 4

but the numbers are not colored (as for the Perl 5 case above).

System information:

$ perl --version
This is perl 5, version 29, subversion 3 (v5.29.3) built for x86_64-linux
$ perl6 -e '.say for $*DISTRO, $*VM, $*PERL.compiler.version'
ubuntu (18.10.Cosmic.Cuttlefish)
moar (2018.11)

标签: perl6
2楼-- · 2019-05-02 07:53

This seems to be an issue with version 0.40 of Data::Printer which is the current version on metacpan. If I install version 0.99 from GitHub I get colors with Perl 6 also. See also this issue.

I debugged version 0.40 a little bit, and it seems like the only difference between the call to p @a from Perl 5 version versus the same call from Perl 6, is that the Perl 6 call is called in list context, so wantarray returns true for the Perl 6 call, this apparantly makes Data::Printer turn off coloring somehow.

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