preamble: a few days ago I asked a question to solve a HABTM-filter, I'm not able to do it even with tutorials, so "Obi Kwan Kenobi youre my only hope".
What I want to achieve: Filtering Staff by GroupID which is used in StaffStaffgroup
I'm having the following tablelayout
- staffs (a person can belong to many groups)
- staff_staffgroups (HABTM-linking table)
- staffgroups (has a groupname)
The variable $tmp gets me a working array, but the problem is that Staff is a child object of StaffStaffgroups. I could parse throu and reassemble a array, but this isnt a nice solution. So I want to use the condition on Staff (see comented line) but then I get the error 1054 "column not found: 1054 Unknown column". I tried to bind and unbind, but no result there.
$group_id = 2;
$tmp = $this->Staff->StaffStaffgroup->find('all',
array('conditions' => array(
'StaffStaffgroup.staffgroup_id' => $group_id,
'Staff.isActive =' => "1",
'Staff.last_name LIKE' => "%$name%",
//$tmpConditions['AND'][] = array('StaffStaffgroup.staffgroup_id' => $group_ids);
I tried it with conditions and containable behaviour, but unfortunatelly its not filtering anything at all
$this->paginate = array('StaffStaffgroup' =>array(
array('conditions' => array(
'StaffStaffgroup.staffgroup_id' => '2'
- I added to all models: public $actsAs = array('Containable');
I tried also with an inner join but no filtering there:
$this->paginate = array( 'conditions' => array('StaffStaffgroup.staffgroup_id' => 2 ), 'joins' => array( array( 'alias' => 'StaffStaffgroup', 'table' => 'staff_staffgroups', 'type' => 'INNER', 'conditions' => 'StaffGroup_id = StaffStaffgroup.staffgroup_id' ) )
You should look into the Containable behaviour.
This will allow you to query your Staff model and contain your StaffStaffgroup model, giving you the array organised in the way you want.
I realize this question was asked a long time ago but my comment could still help someone else finding this post.
I created a behavior that creates the proper joins to the HABTM association behind the scenes making you able to use conditions on the HABTM-model.
The model:
The controller:
(The following is made possible by the behavior)
Please see this url for download and complete usage instructions:
You cannot use the Containable behavior for this. Checkout the sql dump, you will see that the query is done.
I would do it in two steps
From StaffStaffgroup get the staff ids that belongs to the group you want
Then get all staff using the previous result