I'm using Spring CustomNumberEditor editor to bind my float values and I've experimented that if in the value is not a number sometimes it can parse the value and no error is returned.
- number=10 ...... then the number is 10 and there's no errors
- number=10a ...... then the number is 10 and there's no errors
- number=10a25 ...... then the number is 10 and there's no errors
- number=a ...... error because the number is not valid
So it seems that the editor parses the value until it can and omit the rest. Is there any way to configure this editor so the validation is strict (so numbers like 10a or 10a25 result in error) or do I have to build my custom implementation. I'm looking something like setting lenient to false in CustomDateEditor/DateFormat so dates cannot be parsed to the most probable one.
The way I register the editor is:
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder){
NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
binder.registerCustomEditor(Float.class, new CustomNumberEditor(Float.class, numberFormat, true));
You can not do this whith NumberFormat.
The documentation is clear about this fact:
When you acceept this API it would even be even invalid to write a parser that does what you want and implement the NumberFormat interface. This mean you have to implment your own Property Editor instead.
Since it relies on the NumberFormat class, which stops parsing the input string at the first invalid character I think you'll have to extend the NumberFormat class.
First blush would be
I think the most elegant approach would be to use
, something like this: