I need to add columns of predicted hazard ratio in the dataframe after running Cox PH regression in R. The dataframe is a panel data where numgvkey if firm identifier and age is time identifier. You can download a small section of the date from this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8usDJAPeV85VFRWd01pb0h1MDA/view?usp=sharing
I have don the following:
sme <- read.dta13("sme.dta")
reg<-coxph(Surv(age,EVENT2)~L1FETA+frailty(numgvkey), ties=c("efron"), data=sme)
hr <- predict(reg, type="risk")
How can I add a 5th column of "Hazard Ratio"(hr) in my 'sme' dataframe? Also, is there any way to predict the EVENT2 probability rather than 'hr'?
function allows you to generate several different "type" of output. One of them is "expected" which may be what you mean by "probability". It's not really a probability since the numbers sometimes exceed 1.0 when the relative risk, "baseline hazard" and times under observation are high.The "risk" option for "type" returns the hazard ratio.
There is a survfit.coxph which allows one to calculate predicted survival. The object it returns has both
and acumhaz
list components.You might want to try this: