I have a table. I want to filter the table depending on which value is choosen in an select box. The comparison value is {{pipe.pipe_id}} in the select box and {{dimension.pipe_id}} in the table. Guess there's a simple solution for this? Any suggestion?
<select id="select01">
<option ng-repeat="pipe in pipes">{{pipe.code}} - {{pipe.title_en}}</option>
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Inner diameter</th>
<th>Outer diameter</th>
<tr ng-repeat="dimension in dimensions" >
I would recommend using the ng-filter.
This link is a simple example using a to-do list. jsfiddle using ng-filter
You will need to bind whatever input you are using with
The ng-filter defaults to all fields in the array. It can be filtered to a single column or point to a function in your controller.
Search Field
To Search a single column
Repeated Section
(the filter model stays the same even when your input specifies a specific column)
I think you're looking for ng-filter and the
filter : http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.filter:filter