I'm finally looking into the new nested fragments APIs in the support library revision 11.
Everything It worked pretty well till I tried to use the activity reference held by the nested fragments. After a configuration change the childFragment doesn't seem to get detached and re-attached to the new activity.
Basically after an orientation change my childFragment is in an inconsistent state from which I can't get the correct activity instance with getActivity().
I manged to get the correct one using getParentFragment().getActivity() and it works, but I don't think that's the right way to go.
here is the code I use to add the fragment in the parentFragment the first time, after that the fragment is automatically added back to the parentFragment:
public void addChildFragment() {
Fragment f = getFragment().getChildFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag( FRAGMENT_CHILD_TAG );
if (f == null) {
FragmentTransaction ft = getFragment().getChildFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
f = new TrackBrowserFragment();
f.setArguments( getFragment().getArguments() );
ft.add( R.id.fragment_album_detail_child_fragment_layout, f , FRAGMENT_CHILD_TAG );
This inconsistent in the activity instance obviously lead to multiple problem with my fragment ( binds with services, broadcast receivers and so on ). I'm probably doing something wrong cause I don't think that this is the correct behavior of a nested fragment.
Am I doing something wrong with the code? Is this the expected behavior of a nested fragment?
Am I missing something? Should I detach/attach it by myself?
I found out wich was the problem, i was using setRetainInstance(true) in the parent fragment and that kept the child fragment to be detached.
After I Removed that line everything works as expected