rails: create scaffold for models to inherit from

2019-05-01 11:21发布

I'm new to Rails, still getting my feet wet, so please pardon me if this is either trivial or "the wrong way" to do things.

I'd like to create a superclass for some scaffolded models. For example, I'd like to create a scaffold for Men and for Women, but I want them both to inherit from a People superclass; Men and Women would inherit fields like height and weight from the People class.

Where/how do I define this People superclass? How do I define the subclasses Men and Women via scaffolding?

2楼-- · 2019-05-01 11:52

AFAIK you'd need to tweak the existing scaffolding templates, I don't believe there's a means to specify the controller base class. That said, I think in Rails 3 you can copy the templates into $ROOT/lib/templates/rails/... where ... depends on which you want to change.

That said, what's the real goal in doing this in a scaffold? In general, models will (a) only rarely be subclasses, and (b) even more rarely be the same subclass.

Just edit them by hand.

3楼-- · 2019-05-01 11:58

Usually I do something like:

rails g scaffold People type:string name:string birth:date height:integer

class People < ActiveRecord::Base

Important use the reserved word 'type'! That's where the table will keep which type the class is. Run the migration.

So, for the the subclasses you can do:

rails g scaffold Men --parent=People

resulting Men:

class Men < People

Same for Women:

rails g scaffold Women --parent=People


class Women < People

No migration will be generated for the subclasses. I'm not sure but this approach only works for STI.

Hope it, helps!

5楼-- · 2019-05-01 12:06

This is something I've thought about doing with my application. I haven't done it yet, and I wouldn't recommend it if you are new to rails. I would either make separate models entirely, or make one model, and have the attribute gender, which should be either a 0 or a 1, and then make a method that returns the string for the corresponding gender.


So I opened up the rails console, and from what I could see, it is possible totally possible, all you need to do is declare the class, and if you want to use different tables, set_table_name

class This < That
  set_table_name :this

class There < This
   set_table_name :there

Or you could use one table, but if your trying to stay DRY, I would use two.

If you want to use the scaffold generator, you will have to run the typical rails g scaffold Men for each class you want views for (men and women). The model that this generates inherits from the ActiveRecord::Base class. The inheritance marker is the less than symbol (<).

class Men < ActiveRecord::Base


class Women < ActiveRecord::Base


You will then manually create the super class User

class User < ActiveRecord::Base


and then edit the Men and Women models to inherit from User

# men.rb
class Men < User

# women.rb
class Women < User

lets say you wanted to subclass with one table, you could would right the migrations for that table, and then add the attr_accessible to the appropriate subclass.

attr_accessible is a rails security feature. It determines which attributes may be set in mass assignment. Anything related to security, site rank, etc. should not be accessible.


attr_accessible :favorite_food, :interests, :password, :email # THIS IS GOOD

attr_accessible :admin, :has_access_to_missile_launch_codes # THIS IS BAD

because then someone could undermine your security system by passing

params => { :man => { :admin => true }}

The main point is that using these attr_accessible will determine which type of user can set what. Obviously you can DRY this up by putting shared features in the super-class. Hope this helps

You should also read about the super keyword, and the self keyword. If your running an inherited setup you will eventually want to use these.

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