I've implemented App-Licensing for InApp-Billing and now I'm getting Error.NOT_LICENSED
and I have no idea what's wrong. The version I'm working on has not been published to the play store yet.
This is the code I use to start the licensing-process:
private void checkLicense(int retries) {
if (retries != 5) {
String publicKey = "YOUR KEY";
final CdcLicenseCheckerCallback callback = new CdcLicenseCheckerCallback();
String deviceId = mPrefsHandler.getDeviceId();
deviceId = deviceId != null ? deviceId : UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Crashlytics.setBool("has Device-Id", deviceId != null);
final LicenseChecker checker = new LicenseChecker(this, new ServerManagedPolicy(this,
new AESObfuscator(new byte[] { 1, 1, ... , 1 }, getPackageName(),
deviceId)), publicKey);
I used a production variant to figure out what's happening and found that in LicenseValidator.java
, the parameter signature
for the method verify
is an empty string, causing the sig.verify(Base64.decode(signature))
if (!sig.verify(Base64.decode(signature))) {
Log.e(TAG, "Signature verification failed.");
I only have a hint of an idea that UUID.randomUUID().toString()
might be the issue, but I have no idea, whether it actually, nor what to do here.
Found the problem. I hadn't actually published the alpha-version to the playstore, so google play explicitly disallowed the newer version, because it didn't know about it
Solution: Check, if your installed app version is lower or equal to the latest version that was published to google play (alpha, beta or production channel)