I am trying to simulating user login by angular2 Http. let describe situation as bellow.
i have a php application that users can login throw http://sample.com/login.php
url (a form exist with username and password input, user should fill inputs and press submit button) and if login is success, they redirect to http://sample.com/dashboard.php
so i create a Http
post with a form data that has "username" and "password" within.
and set Http header content-type
as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
login works fine and request automatically redirect to http://sample.com/dashboard.php
problem is that i need to access first request response header(http://sample.com/login.php), but the Http response me the second request response header (http://sample.com/dashboard.php).
is that any way to prevent Http from redirecting? or throw error on status 302 ?
var headers = new Headers({'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'});
var options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
Http.post("http://sample.com/login.php",'username=admin&password=123' , options)
.subscribe(success => {
// success and return redirected response
// response of http://sample.com/dashboard.php
}, error => {
// error handler
This is not possible because XMLHttpRequest (low level API) does not expose such a method.
For more details look at this:
Prevent redirection of Xmlhttprequest