It appears that .NET's SmtpClient is creating emails with an extra dot in host names if the dot was to appear at the beginning of a MIME encoded line (e.g. sometimes shows up as Example code:
public void TestEmailIssue()
var mail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();
var smtpClient = new System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient();
mail.Subject = "Test";
mail.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("");
mail.Body = "Hello this is a short test of the issue:"
+" <a href=''></a>: ";
smtpClient.PickupDirectoryLocation = "C:\\temp\\";
smtpClient.DeliveryMethod = System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod.SpecifiedPickupDirectory;
This creates an .eml file that looks like this:
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: 6 Jul 2011 15:55:28 -0400
Subject: Test
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hello this is a short test of the issue: https://test='>
When sending the file, or opening in Outlook (or any other program), the double dots show up (i.e. Note that if I remove the extra space (in "is a"), that shows correctly since the dot no longer appears at the beginning of the line.
This causes a problem when trying to send website addresses, and we get calls from clients saying this they cannot click our links.
Has anyone else experienced this? How can we resolve this issue other than writing our own encoding?
Looking at .NET 4 source code, maybe what you are experiencing has something to do with MailWriter.WriteAndFold method. Also in MailWriter class there is
variable, meaning character count per line. Maybe because you removed one extra space character, it started working.
This is actually per RFC 2821 (4.5.2 Transparency)
.Net is just storing the file in "ready to transmit" mode which means that it doesn't have to monkey with the email before sending, instead it can transmit it as is. Unfortunately this format isn't 100% the same as Outlook Express's EML format apparently. You should be able to set the encoding to UTF-8 (or something similar) and that will kick in Base-64 encoding for you.
In .Net 2.0
It looks like it is wrapping the text at a certain character length per line. I vaguely remember there was an issue in .Net 2.0 where by default it doesn't do this which can cause problems with spam filters.
In fact increasing the size of the message gives the following in .Net 4.0:
Seems like a bug.
A workaround might be to change the BodyEncoding to something other than ASCII.