I am using the latest version of HighCharts to build a chart with multiple trends. By default HighCharts increases the thickness / lineWidth of a line when the user's mouse hovers over it. Because I could have ~10 trends on the chart I would like to remove this feature, meaning that the thickness of the line does not change on hover.
I believe I need to set this in the plotOptions{} section. I have tried adding the following without success:
plotOptions: {
series: {
mouseOver: {
lineWidth: 2
marker: {
enabled: false,
states: {
hover: {
lineWidth: 2
I would, however, like to retain the marker that denotes where the mouse of positioned:
Make this below change (Set the
mouseover to disabled state)DEMO
In that case make lineWidth: 1 for hover
What you need here is the
property.This way, no matter what else you change, the chart will not change the lineWidth when hovered.
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