Do you know if there is a standard way to configure the Http Headers that JBoss EAP 7 sends to the client? I am mainly interested in being able to configure the following ones:
- X-XSS-Protection
- X-Frame-Options
- Strict-Transport-Security
- Content-Security-Policy
- X-Content-Type-Options
I found this link on the internet
but I am not sure whether I can use it for the headers I am interested in.
Thank you!
As per the JBoss EAP 7 documentation:
You can still go this route for complex situations however now in utilizing Undertow add response headers been simplified as you can just add custom headers to the JBoss Undertow Subsystem, you're filters section will change from this:
To this:
I'll leave it up to everyone else to determine the values they'd like to place for the headers (save some editing during copy/paste)