So this works fine in Chrome but not IE(11) and Firefox
var startDate = moment("12-Nov-2015").format("D-MMM-YYYY");
var startTime = "10:00 AM";
var startDateTime = moment(startDate + ' ' + startTime);
alert(moment(startDateTime).format("D-MMM-YYYY h:mm A"));
IE and Chrome just return "Invalid Date"
any ideas what im missing?
This would be because "12-Nov-2015" is not a valid ISO 8601 format therefore MomentJS falls back to the browser parser which is quite different according to the browser. So this issue would be caused because Google Chrome accepts that format but not IE or Firefox, not an issue with Moment.
Please see this link for more details:
As their documentation states, if using a non ISO 8601 format specify the format of the string when parsing, using
Should be
Please see here for information in date parsing inconsistencies: