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Detecting Color of iPhone/iPod touch?
Is it at all possible to detect the color of an iPhone / iPod - either natively or in the mobile browser?
I'm working with a designer who would love to make a web app respond to the color of the device.
There's no API exposed for this.
If this is something you'd like Apple to add, you should file an enhancement request at http://bugreporter.apple.com .
There is no way to do what you are saying... But there are lots of ways for you to get the color, you could create an UIPickerView and add the possible colors there for the user to choose, for exemple.
I don't think this is possible. The internal hardware (the "motherboard" keeping all the components together and the components themselves) is manufactured without any knowledge about the final casing. The same is true for the software (firmware and iOS), since all devices get an equal copy of exactly the same software, byte for byte identical, except for any serial numbers that might be embedded in the firmware. It might be the case that Apple uses different device serial number ranges for different casings, yet that is just a wild speculation.
It's like building a car: All components (engine, electronics, etc.) are equally manufactured, regardless with what color the final car will be coated. Actual the car is completely assembled, all hardware and all software, and ready to be used before it is color coated; and up to the last second the final decision how to color it may change.
I did some more investigations on this topic and I found out that the "wild speculation" is not as wild as I assumed it to be. It really seems to be the case that Apple uses different serial number ranges for different device colors. The serial number (as well as similar numbers, like the IMEI of iPhones) are the only parts of the device firmware that are different for each device manufactured.
Apple used the following serial number format in the past (not sure if this is still up-to-date, but it was still up-to-date for the iPhone 4):
The interesting value is the "Model ID". The same device generation has different Model IDs depending on their color and the amount of available storage.
I haven't found any complete list of all the possible values, though. And even if there was such a complete list, you still have the problem that you need to keep it up-to-date, since Apple is constantly releasing new models, so the list could be out-dated any couple of months (at least once or even twice a year). Here are some sample values for the last 3 digits of the serial number (EEE):
I haven't found any sample values for the current iPod generations so far.