I am binding an OData model to the items of a list and try to apply a filter dynamically using the following syntax in an XML view:
path : '/SupplierCollection',
filters : {
path : 'CompCode',
operator : 'EQ',
value1: {
path : 'general>/companyCode'
The "general" model used here has been defined in the Component.js and is also referenced in the controller of the view:
onInit : function() {
var generalModel = sap.ui.getCore().getModel("general");
this.getView().setModel(generalModel, "general");
Unfortunately, the model doesn't seem to be parsed and the path is not interpreted correctly at runtime. But if I hard-code the value1 then the filter works properly.
Any idea on this issue?
Is it me using a wrong path to set the value1 of the filter? Or is it a bug?
Obviously Allen's answer is the correct way to go long term, but meanwhile I used the following work around in my controller:
Only one call is made to the service (it doesn't load the data and then reload which I feared it might).
The list binding does not support defining dynamic Filter value as a binding path. For details,please check my answer for this question. Also see the reported git issue at here.