I tried using MongoDB 2.0.6 to replace MySQL 5.5.25 for a test Grails 2.1 App and am encountering some strange problems.
Issues when using MongoDB but not MySQL:
When using Scaffolding, I cannot get the fields to order by using static constraints
When I specify inList as a constraint, I get a drop-down when using a MySQL backend, but a field when using a MongoDB backend.
No * (asterisk) on fields where
constraint specified.
Domain Class:
package study
class Student {
String login
String firstName
String lastName
String gender
Boolean active
Date dateCreated
Date lastUpdated
static constraints = {
firstName(blank: false)
lastName(blank: false)
gender(inList: ['M', 'F'])
package study
class StudentController {
def scaffold = true
DataSource.groovy (MySQL stuff commented out):
grails {
mongo {
host = "dev-linux"
port = 27017
username = "study"
password= "********"
databaseName = "study"
//dataSource {
// pooled = true
// driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
// dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect"
// username = "study"
// password = "********"
// dbCreate = "create-drop" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'
// url = "jdbc:mysql://dev-linux:3306/study"
//hibernate {
// cache.use_second_level_cache = true
// cache.use_query_cache = true
// cache.provider_class = "net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider"
BuildConfig.groovy (plugins section shown was all I changed to put MongoDB in place of MySQL, the remainder of this file is the default created by Grails)
plugins {
// build ":hibernate:$grailsVersion"
// compile ":mysql-connectorj:5.1.12"
compile ":mongodb:1.0.0.GA"
build ":tomcat:$grailsVersion"
The only changes I made to put in MongoDB and take out MySQL is the changes to the DataSource.groovy and BuildConfig.groovy shown above.
Is there any configuration item that I am missing?
I did see someone mention on this Nabble forum post that the field ordering may be an issue with MongoDB.
However, this post did not have any details.
Also, I did not understand why or how the back end Database engine could impact how the view is rendered when using scaffolding. Specifically, the ordering on a page and drop-down vs textfield.
I would have thought that would come from the Domain Class's field types and constraints.
Has anyone come across this odd behavior when using Grails+Scaffolding with MongoDB before? Does anyone know of a fix or have any insight?
Thank you very much in advance, I appreciate it.
Scaffolding with MongoDB works, the problem is if you just install mongodb plugin, grails will see ambiguous domain mappings and errors like these pop up. You need to either:
Remove hibernate plugin like this:
Also remove these lines from BuildConfig.groovy:
Explicitly tell a given domain is persisted by Mongo by adding this line to it: