I'd like to add an automatically generated file to the same commit using a pre- or post-commit hook in Git, dependent on the files that were modified in that commit. How would I go about this?
I've tried this as a pre-commit hook, but no luck:
files=`git diff --cached --name-status`
re="<files of importance>"
if [[ $files =~ $re ]]
echo "Creating files"
exec bundle exec create_my_files
exec git add my_files
exec git commit --amend -C HEAD
This successfully adds them to the repository, but does not add them to the commit. I've also tried using the last two exec lines in a post-commit hook along with the pre-commit inspection, but no good either.
Since git add was also not working for me in a pre commit, I followed mark's idea of using a .commit file and splitting the process into pre- and post-commit.
Here is some code that should be easy to understand
In the pre-commit:
In the post-commit:
Hope this makes it easier for people with few bash knowledge to follow mark's idea.
If the files are automatically generated, and they can be generated anywhere (implicit in your desire to build them in the Git pre-commit hook) then you shouldn't be putting them under source control in the first place. You should only control source files -- generated files should be generated as part of the build scripts.
The only reason to put a generated file under source control is when it requires unique/privileged resources to generate (such as a licensed program) or it requires a significant amount of time to generate.
From http://git-scm.com/docs/githooks :
The intent of the pre-commit hook is to be a pass-fail check on the state of the workspace and the contents of the commit, prior to making the commit. Attempting to change the contents of the commit won't work.
My recommendation would be add two steps to your build scripts: (1) a step that will build all of the out-of-date files that needs to be generated (and adds them to the workspace), and (2) a step that will check to ensure that all of the generated files are up-to-date, and return a non-zero status code. Your Git pre-commit hook should run the second step. Your developers should be trained to run the first step as necessary.
This worked just fine for me. It will be part of the current commit.
git version (Apple Git-37)
How about writing a
script instead which generates your files, and then have that do (something along the lines of)git add my_files; git commit --amend
.I was facing same problem in pre-commit hook also. I was modifying one file and committing but it was taking previous file not updated file so by adding git command(as below) in pre-commit hook, it solved.
is your file to be added.Thanks,
It's possible to do what you want using pre-commit hooks. We do something similar for a heroku deployment (compiling coffeescript to javascript). The reason your script isn't working is because you used the
command improperly.From the man page:
Only your first exec command is running. After that your script is basically terminated.
Give something like this a try (as a pre-commit hook):