As the title says, I've been building a web app using Angular2 and decided to test cross-browser, only to find the nifty animations working only in Chrome. Here is what one of my components looks like if that might make any difference:
selector: 'contact',
templateUrl: 'app/about.component.html',
styleUrls: ['app/about.component.css'],
host: {
'[@routeAnimation]': 'true',
'[style.position]': "'absolute'",
animations: [
trigger('routeAnimation', [
state('*', style({transform: 'translateX(0)', opacity: 1})),
transition('void => *', [
style({transform: 'translateX(100%)', opacity: 0}),
transition('* => void', animate(500, style({transform: 'translateX(100%)', opacity: 0})))
What might I be missing/What could I try to implement in order to have cross-browser functionality?
Thank you
You need to import polyfills to support Web Animations for these brwosers.
Add these lines in your src/polyfills.ts:
However, web animations are supposed to work with Chrome, Firefox and Opera without importing this polyfill.
From '':
The Web Animation API is not well supported right now. Please check:
You need to use a polyfill to get the animations working. This one can be used.