Normally if I run a DQL query such as below it would return a list of entity objects:
$d = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('xxxWebsiteBundle:Locations')->createQueryBuilder('l');
->where('l.enabled = :enabled')
->setParameter('enabled', 1)
$result= $d
However, if I add a select then it returns an array:
$d = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('XXXWebsiteBundle:Locations')->createQueryBuilder('l');
'( 3959 * acos(cos(radians(' . $latitude . '))' .
'* cos( radians( l.latitude ) )' .
'* cos( radians( l.longitude )' .
'- radians(' . $longitude . ') )' .
'+ sin( radians(' . $latitude . ') )' .
'* sin( radians( l.latitude ) ) ) ) as distance'
->where('l.enabled = :enabled')
->setParameter('enabled', 1)
->having('distance < :distance')
->setParameter('distance', $requestedDistance)
->orderBy('distance', 'ASC');
$closeresult= $d
So using the first query I could do the following:
foreach($result->getResult() as $location){
echo $location->getName()
However, using the second query I have to use the following which I assume isn't correct:
foreach($result->getResult() as $location){
echo $location[0]->getName()
Any ideas how I can improve this?
Since Doctrine ORM 2.2, you can use the
keyword.In your example, it would be like following: