Is it possible to test a string with IsNumeric() and for it to return true, but when you cast that same string to an integer using CInt() and assign it to a variable of type integer that it will give a type mismatch error?
I ask because I was getting a type mismatch error, so I used IsNumeric() to check the string was numeric before trying to cast it, but I still get the error.
I am tearing my hair out with this.
Here is the code in question.
iGlobalMaxAlternatives = CInt(strMaxAlternatives)
is where the error is occuring.
Dim strMaxAlternatives As String
Dim iGlobalMaxAlternatives As Integer
iGlobalMaxAlternatives = 0
bSurchargeIncInFare = True
strMaxAlternatives = ReadStringKeyFromRegistry("Software\TL\Connection Strings\" & sConn & "\HH", "MaxAlt")
If IsNumeric(strMaxAlternatives) And strMaxAlternatives <> "" Then
iGlobalMaxAlternatives = CInt(strMaxAlternatives)
End If
Your best bet is to start logging the errors with the actual values it's working with so you can figure out whats going on.
VB6 doesn't provide good methods to guarantee CInt won't fail. I've found the simplest way is to just use error-handling.
Of course your error-handling preferences may vary.
IsNumeric will return true if it can convert the string to a number. Even if there are non-numeric characters in the string. I always loop though the string one character at a time and test each character. If one character fails then I can return an error.
Two options...