I have two view pagers in a screen.One ViewPager uses JakeWharton' circleindicator and second one uses TabPage Indicator. I need to download the data from backend using Async call.Once the data is download i should be displaying the data in the viewpagers. Here is the Code snippet of my activity.
ViewPager pager1;
ViewPager pager2;
public onCreate(){
//I Set Up ContentView
//Locate ViewPagers & Indicators
//pager1 = ...
//pager2= ...
//Locate Indicators
private class CallAsyncTask extends AsynTask{
//Download Data
private displayData(){
// Set Up Adapters & Indicators for ViewPagers
when i execute this code, i get ViewPager Not Bound Exception. Is there a solution for it. I think a workaround is to setUpContentView inside onPostExecute() method of AsyncTask.But i also need to display progressBars till the data is downloaded. How can i achieve all of this.
In my case what i found is that i am not setting the "ViewPager" to "TabPageIndicator". After setting
my issue is gone.
I just placed
visibility: gone
on theTabPageIndicator
and when I get the data to display I change the visibility to visible