I'm using asp.net mvc 4 webapi beta to build a rest service. I need to be able to accept POSTed images/files from client applications. Is this possible using the webapi? Below is how action I am currently using. Does anyone know of an example how this should work?
public string ProfileImagePost(HttpPostedFile profileImage)
string[] extensions = { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ".png" };
if (!extensions.Any(x => x.Equals(Path.GetExtension(profileImage.FileName.ToLower()), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
throw new HttpResponseException("Invalid file type.", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
// Other code goes here
return "/path/to/image.png";
Here are two ways to accept a file. One using in memory provider MultipartMemoryStreamProvider and one using MultipartFormDataStreamProvider which saves to a disk. Note, this is only for one file upload at a time. You can certainty extend this to save multiple-files. The second approach can support large files. I've tested files over 200MB and it works fine. Using in memory approach does not require you to save to disk, but will throw out of memory exception if you exceed a certain limit.
I used Mike Wasson's answer before I updated all the NuGets in my webapi mvc4 project. Once I did, I had to re-write the file upload action:
Apparently BodyPartFileNames is no longer available within the MultipartFormDataStreamProvider.
API Controller :
I'm surprised that a lot of you seem to want to save files on the server. Solution to keep everything in memory is as follows:
Here is a quick and dirty solution which takes uploaded file contents from the HTTP body and writes it to a file. I included a "bare bones" HTML/JS snippet for the file upload.
Web API Method:
HTML File Upload: