I am trying to save multiple pngs in one pdf. I'm receiving the PNGs from an API Call to the Endicia Label Server, which is giving me a Base64 Encoded Image as response.
Based on this Question:
How to convert base64 string to PNG using Prawn without saving on server in Rails
def batch_order_labels
@orders = Spree::Order.ready_to_ship.limit(1)
dt = Date.current.strftime("%d %b %Y ")
title = "Labels - #{dt} - #{@orders.count} Orders"
Prawn::Document.generate("#{title}.pdf") do |pdf|
@orders.each do |order|
label = order.generate_label
if order.international?
@image = label.response_body.scan(/<Image PartNumber=\"1\">([^<>]*)<\/Image>/imu).flatten.last
@image = label.image
file = Tempfile.new('labelimg', :encoding => 'utf-8')
file.write Base64.decode64(@image)
pdf.image file
But I'm receiving following error:
"\x89" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
Any Idea?
you can't convert the Base64 to UTF-8. Leave it as plain ASCII:
or even better - leave it as binary:
UTF-8 is multibite format and it's not usable for transferring binary data such as pics.
There's no need to write the image data to a tempfile, Prawn::Document#image can accept a StringIO.
Try replacing this:
With this:
The Problem is, that the Api is returning this thing in UTF-8 - So I dont have a great choice. Anyhow, I found this solution to be working