I read somewhere about how you can create a website that loads each section of a page with AJAX while still providing SEO. It had something to do with the use of !# in a url. Similar to what twitter does. I can't seem to find anything about it anywhere. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
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Is this what you are looking for:
is called a "hashbang" and they are the root of all that is evil in web development.Basically, weak web developers decided to use
names as a kludgy hack to get "web 2.0" things to work on their page, then complained to google that their page rank suffered. Google made a work around to their kludge by enabling the hashbang.Weak web developers took this work around as gospel. Don't use it. It is a crutch.
Web development that depends on hashbangs is web-development done wrong.
This article is far more well worded than I could ever be, and deals with the Gawker media fiasco from their migration to a (failed) hashbang centric website. It tells you WHAT is happening and why it's bad.
Take a look at this article: http://eliperelman.com/blog/2011/10/06/handling-googles-ajax-crawling-hashbang-number-navigation-in-asp-dot-net-mvc-3/
It explains the implementation of hashbang navigation, allowing google to index your site.
Check Modify Address Bar URL in AJAX App to Match Current State, also this can be done from Flash and Ajax with http://www.asual.com/swfaddress .
I believe you are looking for this forum question here: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Webmasters/thread?tid=55f82c8e722ecbf2&hl=en