I want to set my IE to always open in IE7 mode.
I mostly develop in Chrome, and for purposes of efficiency and 80/20 principle, I assume that IE9 looks and behaves mostly like Chrome.
And I assume that if something looks and works decent enough in IE7, most of the time IE8 will be fine.
So I just want my Internet Explorer to always open as version 7 without me having to change it in the developer panel.
This will also be useful for my Selenium WebDriver functional tests that I want to run in IE7.
I just found http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/internet-explorer-google-chrome-tab/ and it seems to open in IE7 mode by default.
There is still the caveat (of course) that this fake IE7 isn't the same as a native install of IE7. But this might be a decent trade-off.
The commenters are right - you should not assume that Chrome will act the same as IE9, IE7, or anything. And furthermore, IE9 running in compatibility view (whether it is set from Developer Tools or from the Compatibility View settings) can not be counted on to act the same as IE7.
But, if what you want is for IE9 to always launch in Compatibility View, just set that in your browser's options (the bottom checkbox in your Compatibility View settings).
could these meta tags work for you?