Does anyone know how to change the background color of a cell using UITableViewCell, for each selected cell? I created this UITableViewCell inside the code for TableView.
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Create a custom UITableViewCell. Inside you custom class override the "setSelected" function and change the contentView background color. You can also override you "setHighlighted" function.
In Swift:
Changing the property selectedBackgroundView is correct and the simplest way. I use the following code to change the selection color:
Check out
in Apple's sample code.You'll want to use the composite cell pattern.
Works for me
I have tried each one among above answers, but none of them best fits for me,
then i have looked into one of the native provided method, and it is working fine.
first, make cellSelectionStyle to None and then go for this solution.
advantage of this methods over other all is :