I'd like to url-encode some Text (e.g., replace each space with a %20, etc.). I found "HTTP" Network.HTTP.Base.urlEncode and could use that, but I'm wondering if there's something else that's normally used in the Yesod ecosystem.
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Unfortunately, due to the complexity of URL escaping, the real answer is "it depends." There are slightly different rules for the percent encoding of path segments and query strings, for example.
I don't know exactly what you're trying to encode, but I'd recommend sticking to the http-types package. One place to start would be urlEncode, though there are many other functions in that packages (such as
mentioned by @jamshidh) which are worth looking at.As I understand it, URI encoding is complicated. However for my simple case, I was able to get by with the uri-encode package.
All I needed was:
As you can imagine, all it does it take a string, and give you back the URI-encoded version.