I'm want to calculate ray directions from camera to pixel positions (in world coords) with given height as described in this paper. Camera image size is 640,480. I calibrated the intrinsic camera parameters and undistort each image. I measured the physical distance between camera and background plane (29 cm) as sketched here:
1 cm translates to 25 pixel (assuming quadratic pixels). My first approach was to calculate based on pixel- and camera position as follows:
float3 pixPos = (float3)(u, v, z);
float3 camPos = (float3)(height/2, width/2, 29*25);
float3 ray = normalize(pixPos-camPos);
where u,v are image coords from 0,0 to height,width and z are my (already estimated) height values. This doesn't seem to be the right way. I already did a search on SO and found this answer, but the solution described there doesn't include pixel heights (z here).
I was solving same problem few years back, when I was writing my diploma thesis. Here is a part of it which describes how to create camera for raytracing..
First of all you need to define coordinate system of camera. It's orthonormal coordinate system, that means that all three basis vectors are perpendicular to each other and have same size (doesn't have to be "one"). Also you need to point out, if your coordinate system of camera is right-handed or left-handed (I will talk about left-handed). First you'll need to define
up vector
(the vector shows you what is y axis on your screen) andcamera direction vector
(so vector from eye position to middle of your projection plane). Then you'll calculateleft vector
(or right vector if you need) (which points where exactly is x axis on your screen) bycross product
of theup vector
andcamera direction vector
. Now, because only camera direction vector and left vector are perpendicular for sure, you have to makeone more cross product
ofcamera direction vector
andleft vector
(vector y on the image).So you'll get camera coordination system like this one
No you have to define, how big is your projection screen in world coordinates. That might be sometimes tricky, so you can also define it by two angles (
) and distance from eye position (lets call itd
).You'll get and . (the
vector is the vector which defines x axis on screen, so it'sleft vector
or right vector, depends of handedness) By linear combination of those two vectorsu
you can compute any position on your projection screen. Coefficientsalpha
and though represents distancesthe point
from middle of projection screen.So and , where
coordinates on your calculated image andimageWidth
are appropriate sizes.So as you can see on this image
Final position of any point on projection plane is .
Then calculation of requested vector is .