When I add android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar
or another android.support.v7.widget.*
there are rendering problems.
But Support Library is up to date. And I complied in dependecies properly. I can import them in MainActivity.java
What is the problem?
I don't know if this will help or not, but I was creating a test project (direct from the wizard, no custom code) and getting this error. Trying to modify the project structure and find the missing class didn't help.
The build failed with the following error:
***rendering problems
The following classes could not be found android.support.v7.internal.widget.ActionBarOverlayLayout***
Obviously it's not the final solution, but changing the Theme in design view from the base "project theme" to anything else allows it to build.
I changed my app theme from "
" to "Base.Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar
"I encountered this problem just now in Android Studio with API 22 (Android 5.1.1) selected without changing the theme or API as suggested by others on this thread.
When I updated to the most recent version of Android Studio available via the regular update check, it works fine now. This shouldn't be a problem in the new version Android Studio
I changed the AppTheme above the graphical preview to Base.Theme.AppCompat and it disappeared for me. It worked on both 19 and 22 API :) ! Good Luck to all of you!
click for larger image
Changing app theme to Base.Theme.App.Compat worked for me.