I have a very simple database that I am trying to import, and create Entities from. Doctrine (Symfony) is able to generate the YML mapping files from the database. But when I subsiquently try to generate entities, I get the following error:
Invalid mapping file 'SandboxBundle.Entity.Product.orm.yml' for class
The yml file looks fine to me, as we would expect being that it was generated by Doctrine. Just to be sure, I checked it against an online yml validator which said it was OK. The command I used to attempt to generate the entities was:
app/console generate:doctrine:entities sandbox
The .yml files follow. Please excuse any yml spacing errors that are a result of pasting the file here. As I said, the yml files were generated by doctrine, and did pass an online verification.
type: entity
table: product
- category_id
type: integer
nullable: false
unsigned: false
comment: ''
id: true
strategy: IDENTITY
type: string
nullable: true
length: 10
fixed: false
comment: ''
type: integer
nullable: true
unsigned: false
comment: ''
column: category_id
lifecycleCallbacks: { }
And for completeness, here is the Category yml file. The error was on Product, but I presume it is because Product was processed first.
type: entity
table: category
type: integer
nullable: false
unsigned: false
comment: ''
id: true
strategy: IDENTITY
type: string
nullable: true
length: 50
fixed: false
comment: ''
lifecycleCallbacks: { }
I searched the web for any resources pertaining to diagnosing Mapping Exceptions, but have not found any. I presume that there is something in the YML files that is causing the entity generator to choke. But the error message give no indication as to what that might be. I see there are lots of instances of this kind of question on Stack Overflow. It would be great to get information on HOW to diagnose these types of errors, and thus be able to figure it out for ourselves.
Recently I was experiencing similar "MappingException: Invalid mapping file" exceptions using the following code:
Using Symfony Yaml 2.*, everything worked fine. But with Symfony Yaml ^3.3 I would get the invalid mapping file exception. I traced it to how the different Yaml library parse functions work. When using Doctrine to parse yaml files, it will use the YamlDriver class which loads yaml files using this function:
In Yaml 2.*, passing a filename string to parse works without problem, but with Yaml ^3.3, the parse function expects a yaml string. Some ways to get around this include using xml config files or writing your own Yaml driver and obtaining the config by bypassing the Setup::createYAMLMetadataConfiguration and using the this code:
Try to rename the file
and make sure to fully qualify your name in the yaml
you might get an error because of double namespace. Symfony adds the dotted part of the file to the namespace.
Good luck :)
Has described in the doc:
So try change the product yaml definition as follow:
Do the same in the other mapping files.
Hope this help
php app/console doctrine:generate:entity
to generate an entity automatically by doctrine. You have used
app/console doctrine:generate:entities entityName
I mean
app/console generate:doctrine:entities entityName
(notice the plural "entities" word)Your command is to generate the updated property of an existing entity and to generate his getter and setter methods but not to generate an entity.
My suggestion is: