I'm pretty new to OO PHP, however i get how it all works and am ready to start building an MVC for a big site i'm working on. I know it isnt necessary written that you must do it like this but there's gotta be some normal practises....
class names - camelcase? underscores?
class files - same as class?
url/post/get controll name - router.php?
any other things i should be aware of before i embark?
Class constants are generally all uppercase, Class names are generally like java with capital first letters
Beyond that, I guess it depends who you ask
Preferred Directory Structure: My/Class.php
ClassNames: My_Class
If you are using a modular MVC structure, make sure you have the namespace included in your bootstrap.php [this is Zend Framework specific, but I imagine there must be something similar for other mvc frameworks).
what else...the views naming - the default is dropDownAction() becomes drop-down.phtml in Zend Views.
In terms of MVC logic, at least separate your control and presentation. I'm working with Wordpress, which looks extremely horrible in places, especially admin side. For my own part, I have the controller validate the $_REQUEST, make changes to the data by interacting with the database, and then instantiate an appropriate view class.
It doesn't really matter how you name things as long as you are consistent.
If you are interested in taking a look at coding standards:
http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/coding-standard.naming-conventions.html Should be your bible as a PHP developer.
Try this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/332831/php-best-practices-for-naming-conventions/332854#332854
It's not at all what you asked, but do consider looking at one of the literally dozens and dozens of existing MVC-style PHP frameworks. You can save yourself a lot of time and generally get better quality if you use a solid existing framework.